ISS Social Media Disclaimer
Institutional Shareholder Services’ (“ISS”) maintains profiles and/or pages on various social media sites including Twitter and LinkedIn. If you choose to “Follow” ISS on Twitter or LinkedIn or take any similar action on another social media site, you are providing your consent to receive information updates, including solicitations, from ISS. To stop receiving this information from ISS on a social media site, you must follow the procedure established by the site. For example, on Twitter, you must click “Unfollow” on ISS‘ profile page.
The information contained on ISS’ and its affiliate’s social media platforms are for the purpose of marketing and promoting our products and services. This information is current as of the date of publication (or such earlier date as referenced) and is subject to change without notice. ISS has no obligation to update any or all of such information.
ISS’ social media profiles and pages are not intended to be an offer, solicitation, or advice with respect to the purchase or sale of any security, nor are they intended to solicit votes or proxies. They are provided for information purposes only, do not constitute investment advice, and should not be used as the basis for any investment decision. They also do not purport to provide any legal, tax, or accounting advice.
Please note that ISS and its affiliates are not affiliated with Twitter, LinkedIn, or any other social media sites and have no control over how these and other third-party sites use the information you share. We encourage you to read the terms within each of these networks’ privacy policies and learn how your information may be displayed or shared. ISS is not responsible for and does not endorse any content, advertising, products, advice, opinions, recommendations, terms of use or privacy policies, or other materials on or available from third parties.
While ISS may monitor postings by third parties on its profiles and pages, ISS is not able to review them before they are displayed, and any such postings are the views and responsibilities of the posters. ISS does reserve the right to edit or remove any post for any reason and to “block” followers to the extent permitted by the sites. If, however, ISS does not remove a third-party post, that should not be viewed as an endorsement of the content. Further, third-party opinions and comments presented on these pages should not be taken to represent the opinion of ISS.
ISS does not provide customer service, conduct engagements, or accept customer complaints through its social media profiles and/or pages. Protect your privacy by never sharing confidential information on social media sites. In turn, ISS will never ask you to share confidential information using our corporate social channels. ISS’ privacy policy can be found here.
In addition the list of individuals, companies or industries that are on ISS’ social media sites as either followers of the company, or the company is following, shall in No Way constitute, or be deemed to be, a list of our clients or customers who subscribe to our products or services.
In keeping with internal firewall procedures put in place by ISS, information regarding the identity of corporate issuers that are clients of ISS Corporate Solutions, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of ISS, May Not be disclosed on any social media sites.