Analyze and benchmark global executive compensation practices
Unparalleled breadth of compensation data, including proprietary data points used in ISS Proxy analysis.

Allows investors, as well as ESG and governance professionals, to analyze executive compensation plan design, better understand executive’s incentives & decision making, examine the link between pay and performance, uncover problematic pay practices and more!

Access Equity plan data and benchmarking to help you understand how plan features, limits or measurements exceed or conform to ISS’ benchmark policy guidelines or to the best practices outlined in your proxy voting policy.

Run quantitative P4P tests and tailor analytical scenarios to benchmark U.S. companies against their peers with pay for performance modeling.

Analyze CEO & NEO pay for the largest companies across U.S., Canada, U.K., Europe & Australia, comparing against peers to evaluate all components of pay, short-term & long-term incentive plans, and total compensation.

Analyze comprehensive executive compensation profiles for a comprehensive review of pay mix, incentives & payouts, severence packages. Additional analytics (e.g. cash vs equity, performance vs non-performance-based pay) are also included in the reports to provide additional context.
Use independently or integrated for a broader evaluation of long-term and short-term compensation against executive targets & goals to determine appropriateness & alignment with the company’s strategy.
Analyze and benchmark executive compensation programs across global portfolios
Access Executive Compensation Analytics for granular or summarized information on option grants, non-equity incentive plan payouts, deferred compensation payouts and more. The data and comprehensive compensation profiles provide a lens onto companies’ executive compensation practices and help discover the link between pay and performance.
- Analyze plan design, magnitude of pay, pay for performance and incentive pay practices.
- Assess alignment between pay incentives and company strategy.
- Identify companies with ESG metrics in their compensation plans and understand payouts for achievement of ESG goals.
- Identify pay practices requiring engagement with companies.
- Create and refine pay issue watchlists.
- Coverage: Over 15,000 issuers across the U.S., Canada, U.K., Europe, and Australia.
- History: 2008.
- Pay-for-performance modeling data points
- Components of pay: e.g. salary, bonus, stock & option awards
- Incentive metrics & goals for performance-based pay
- Details on equity awards: e.g. vesting schedules of stock awards, strike price & expiration date of options.
- ISS proxy research data points: e.g. MSOP vote recommendation, low/medium/high concern levels.
- Person-level data points for Named Executive Officers: e.g. name, gender, age, title.
Evaluate long-term and short-term compensation against executive targets & goals
Conduct an in-depth evaluation of top managers pay structure and measurement to gain unique insight into the strategy, expectations, and motivations of boards and uncover the potential impact these may have on investment risks and returns.
- Flag metrics and goals to highlight potentially valuable investments.
- Analyze proprietary valuations and custom modelling of incentive awards and expected pay.
- Create diagnostics and custom reports.
- 2,000 US issuers (1,200 active) with history back to 1998 (includes S&P500 and a significant portion of the S&P400).
- 2,300 active US issuers starting in 2015 (market cap > $1B). Over 400 European issuers.
- Components of pay
- Analytics on pay mix including short-term vs long-term pay, time vs performance-based pay, cash vs equity
- Incentive metrics & goals for performance-based pay. Analysis on YoY changes to metrics or target goals, and achievement of
target goals included. - Payout structure analysis.
- Highly granular information on different tranches of equity awards’ vesting schedules and option awards’ strike price, expiration date.