Securities Class Action Services Announce Expansion of Offerings

February 2017

RecoverMax Monitor

An overview of securities class action settlements, opt-in litigations and disbursements alongside illustrative indices covering both new cases and historical settlements.

Securities Class Action Services, LLC, a subsidiary of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS) and a leading provider of securities class action solutions to the global financial community, announced the expansion of its Premier Global Filing Service to include all global markets, along with filing support on settlements without security identifiers, such as the Credit Default Swap and Euroyen settlements.

This new global service is an extension of our current service offering for Global Filing clients, which historically covered six markets (U.S., Canada, Netherlands, Australia, Germany, and the U.K.). The expanded offering will mirror the current support services, and coverage will extend to any new markets that adopt regulations to allow opt-out or opt-in litigations.

“The geographic expansion of our filing coverage universe underscores Securities Class Action Services’ commitment to providing world-class products and solutions,” said Stephen Harvey, ISS’ chief operating officer. “As the largest class-action provider measured by filing volume, our Securities Class Action Services clients benefit from the ease of our daily support of global securities litigation management and our focus on maximizing recoveries.”

Securities Class Action Services’ premier filing solution helps clients maximize recoveries through a complete end-to-end litigation research and claims filing solution with recognized loss calculations, options ingestion capabilities, and claim tracking tailored to clients’ historical transactions.

For more information on Securities Class Action Services and to learn how you can file in non-U.S. class actions, register now for our upcoming webinar or contact us today.

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